Friday, December 28, 2012

Get Comfortable

I woke up this morning not really wanting to get out of bed. On top of the fact I didn’t feel well, I woke up just grumpy because I still live in Alaska. I miss my family, I miss my friends, I miss the sun, I miss TJ Maxx and Marshalls, I miss it all. Yet here I am in rainy, overcast Anchorage, Alaska forcing myself to get out of bed, go to work and be happy with where God has me.

Then tonight it happened. Snow.

If I didn’t already have a headache from blowing my nose and coughing all day, I would have cried. It is only September and we have snow.

I have lived in Alaska for two years now. I moved here for an internship that, by God’s grace and mercy, turned into a job offer. I enjoy my job and I enjoy my experience here. For the last two years I have been completely content being here (that is, with some not-so-happy days along the way). The problem is that between the crazy winter we had last winter and the crappy summer full of rain that we had this summer, in addition to my numerous friends who are getting married back east, recently my contentedness has dwindled and today…I am feeling quite over missing some things that make me happy. 

As I said, there’s a problem. I need to produce a solution and the solution is easy… change the circumstances that are making me unhappy and discontent. Then things will be better.


Not really.

Why, you ask? Why stay somewhere that I don’t like, somewhere that’s challenging my “feelings” when I could be somewhere else that would make me “feel” better.  While painful, the answer is simple. God led me here and I don’t believe, contrary to my feelings, that He’s leading me to leave to feel better.

I am not sure when the trend actually began, but we live in a society that equates unhappiness as a need to leave or change or move to the nearest comfort level. We think that God primarily wants us to be happy and that He wants to “bless” us with sunshine, money and joyful situations. We are so wrong! While God may give us those things along the way, in the words of my previous Pastor…God doesn’t want to make us happy. He wants to make us Holy.

Many of the people God used in the Bible dealt with loneliness, rejection and discomfort…while being where God wanted them. Some even tried to run, but the results were never positive. Even the disciples, those who actually walked and lived with Jesus, suffered and were persecuted. Jesus Himself was not glorified until after He experienced death from the blood He shed because of the nails that pierced His hands and feet and the weight of the sins of this world literally on his shoulders. There has been no greater discomfort. He had the power to put down the cross and leave. He had the power to avoid all of his pain and suffering and leave. But He chose to stay, persevere and fight despite the discomfort of God’s silence.  He understood that His pain was bringing about something greater.
In life, we will without a doubt face situations that are not what we desire. But if God led us there, we should be obedient and stay there. I once heard a Pastor say that you are in more danger being out of God’s will than staying in His will . God NEVER said this life would be easy, but He did promise that He would always go before us and He will ALWAYS be with us.

No matter what you are going through, if you believe God has you there, be obedient and stay. If you are not sure, ask Him. By prayer, fasting and whatever means you need to snuggle up beside Him, just ask Him. He WILL answer you.

Be obedient. Stay. Trust that He is doing something greater.

I am not comfortable right now. God knows that. All I can do now is wait until He tells me otherwise… and go take out my skis. 

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11

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