Friday, December 28, 2012

Be careful, keep calm and don't be afraid

We think God doesn’t speak to us, but He does.

Over the last month or two I have started to notice a pattern. When I am looking for something and I panic, searching all over the house and ripping things apart, all I do is waste time. The same pattern applies to situations in my life. There are times when I force myself to find a solution to a problem only to feel something within me indicate that I am wasting time.  For example, last night I needed to find the spare key to my house. I looked in the place where I thought I put the key, but to no avail. So I looked in my car, my buffet, my wallet and any logical place that I would have left the key.  I wanted to panic.  I don’t think anyone wants to have the spare key to their house in an unknown place along with the uncertainty of someone else having your key.  However, something told me not to worry. Rather then ripping apart my house, I took Isaiah 7:4 to heart and remained calm. I prayed and simply went on with my business. If God wanted me to find it, He would reveal its location to me at the appointed time. If God did not want me to find the key, He would help me to take the next step to ensure the safety of my house.

Today, I was looking for tape in my bag that I had just used for a presentation. Guess what I found within seconds of reaching in my bag? My spare house key! I NEVER would have found that on my own. As a matter of fact, I still can’t determine the rationale of why the key was even there.

When Jesus Christ ascended to be seated with God after he defeated death on the cross, he gave us the most amazing gift…The Holy Spirit.  We are never alone. No matter what the situation, the Holy Spirit is with us and He helps us in our time of need.  However, in order to fully receive what He has for us, we must be still and listen. The spirit of fear is of the same bloodline as the spirit of panic, and worry and doubt…all flowing right from the enemy. We; however, are of a different bloodline, a bloodline of peace, grace, love, mercy, comfort, and so much more. We are of the bloodline of Christ.
I recently saw a post from InstaGOD ministries that said, “Have patience and wait for the things that you want the most. Don’t chase it, don’t run after it: If God wants you to have it, He will give it to you”.

Trust God for the details of your life. He has everything in His hands.

Checkout Instagod Ministries on Instagram (@instagodministries) or at Great source of Christ centered and Biblically sound encouragement.

“Be careful, keep calm and don't be afraid. Do not lose heart” Isaiah 7:4

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