Saturday, June 22, 2013

Where Can Your Heart Go?

When confusion reigns
And dreams seem to be lost in the night,
Where can your heart go
When it is too tired to fight?

When fears become real
And reality is least what you had expected,
Where can your heart go
When it is afraid of what is coming next?

When light becomes dark
And there seems to be no joy in tomorrow,
Where can your heart go
When it is filled with sorrow?

When you feel all doors have closed
And you are stuck where you are,
Where can your heart go
When you are left standing in the dark?

Where can your heart go?

It goes to Christ, the perfecter of our faith.
The one who promises,
"I will give what it takes to run this race.
I will be with you every step of the way.
Even when it feels I have left you alone,
It is with me with whom your heart can go.

I will protect it, love it, and show it the way.
I will walk with your heart until it sees better days.
You have my word, please trust me and know
I will never, ever let your heart go.

It is with me
Your heart will find hope in your sorrow.
Your heart will become glad,
No matter about tomorrow.
I promise you, my child,
I love your heart beyond what you can imagine.
I will stand by it and mold it
Until it becomes glad again.

So in your days of hurt and confusion
I offer you one challenging, but simple, solution.
Come to me
And I will give you rest.
Because with me, and only me,
Is your heart at its best."

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