Friday, July 13, 2012

Shhhh... Be quiet

Have you ever noticed the power of listening? You can find out so much from people if you just sit back and not say a word. I am sure that we have all had that experience with some person on the plane or while shopping. All you say is 'hello' and the next thing you know you have learned that their son's wife just had a baby and now they are moving to California to live with their cousin Susie to help her get on her feet because she is struggling with her rent and could use the additional people to help with the finances. You didn't even have to ask a question to that person, and yet by simply sitting there and listening, you found out more than you needed, or wanted, to know. You might have even had something to say to that person, but you never had the opportunity to get in a word because they just kept talking.

In our relationship with Christ, we are often the chatty ones. God sits there and we just talk, talk, talk and talk. We tell Him about our day, we tell Him about our struggles, we tell Him about our worries and our fears, we tell Him about our dreams, we tell Him about our desires. We tell Him about EVERYTHING... or at least everything we want Him to know.

But, how often do we give Him the chance to talk to us?

If God wants to silence us so that we hear Him, He can and will. However, He desires to have a genuine and intimate relationship with us. How can that be achieved if we are always the ones talking and rambling on about things? As with any healthy relationship, communication between both parties is a quintessential element to the success of that relationship. In our relationship with Christ we should  not only confess the matters of our hearts to Him, but we also have a responsibility to sit quietly, be still and listen. If we are the quiet ones and God is the one talking, just imagine what we might be able to learn.

Communication from Him to us is where our finite request ends and His infinite revelation begins.

Be still and know that I am God- Psalm 46:10

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